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What You Are In Your Tomorrows Is Determined By What Fills Your Words Today!

Writer's picture: mitchhortonmitchhorton

The words you speak are a creative force in your life. They become absorbed into the atmosphere of who you are. Words contain the contents of your heart. Proverbs tells us to keep our heart with all diligence because the issues of life come out of it. Jesus said we speak from the abundance of our heart.

Don’t take your words lightly today. Jesus said we would be justified or condemned as a result of our words. But I say to you that for every idle word men may speak, they will give account of it in the day of judgment. For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned (Matthew 12:36-37).

Words create life direction.  From the time we’re born, until the time we go to be with Jesus, words accomplish things. You never live beyond your words.

It is not possible to walk in prosperity and talk poverty. I t is not possible to walk in health and talk sickness. It is not possible to be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power and talk weakness and failure. It is not possible to walk in love and forgiveness ruled and at the same time talk bitterness and anger.

A major force in the kingdom of God and in the kingdom of Satan is words. Don’t allow your words today to correspond to the will of the kingdom of darkness. Instead, defy feelings and thoughts that oppose the will of God. Speak boldly aloud what you believe based on the Word of God. When you do this, you put God’s power into operation in your life and circumstances, and the Satan’s attacks will become dormant against the power of the open Word of God through your lips!

The more you talk about something, the more real it becomes in your life. At first, the things of God may seem vague and distant to you. But ignore this perception and speak out loud that you are the righteousness of God in Christ; that you are more than a conqueror; that you are healed by the stripes of Jesus; that God meets all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus; that if God be for you, no being can be successful against you; that the peace of God rules you; that the love of God dominates your mind and actions; that God’s protection and favor surround you every day; that the angels of God are presently working on your behalf, ministering for you because you are an heir of salvation; that your flesh and your mind do not rule you, but your spirit rules your life; that you are walking in the spirit and you are not fulfilling the works of the flesh; that greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world!

I started speaking the Word out loud to myself over 40 years ago. The Word did not seem real or true at the time. My circumstances tried to erect walls between me and God’s will through His Word.

But I began to speak the Word and purposefully defy all my thoughts and feeling to the contrary. Little by little, the reality of the Word began to settle down on me and rise up in me. Now, the things of the Word and of the kingdom of God have become absorbed into the very fabric of who I am. My mind, emotions, will, and body have become accustomed to yielding to my human spirit through the Word. Life has become a restful walk with God as my Father, Jesus my Lord, and the Holy Spirit as my helper and guide. 

Your Words set the landmarks in your life. You never rise above them. You will be in your tomorrows what you believe and speak in your todays. Begin today to cooperate with the principles of God’s kingdom. Set your mouth in line with God’s will in every area of life. If you do, one day, you’ll look around, and you’ll see the product of your words. And, you’ll be blessed!


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