Now thanks be to God who always leads us in triumph in Christ, and through us diffuses the fragrance of His knowledge in every place (2 Corinthians 2:14).Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us (Romans 8:37).
It’s right thinking, right believing, and right speaking, that will lead us into victory in our lives. The first thing that we must correct is our thinking. We are to think on things that are true, honest, just, pure, lovely, of good report, positive, and worthy of praise. If our thinking is right, then our believing will be right. And if our believing is right, we’ll speak what we believe.
Words are so important. Your success or failure today will be determined by the tenacity of your confession, of saying what God says, in the hard place. You may feel and experience all kinds of things, but it’s important to say out loud what you really believe!
Even if it seems like the Word of God isn’t real and it isn’t working for you, it’s important to say it anyway! Perhaps you’ve heard someone say, so and so has said that so much that they really believe it! Well, the truth is that you can “school” yourself into believing by saying something over and over again.
Meditate on the Word in the area of challenge you face, and then start confessing out loud what the word says. At first, you may not seem to believe it, but just keep on saying it. Sooner or later your words will register on your heart, and you’ll begin to believe what you say. You’ll notice a quickening on the inside, and joy will rise in your spirit! I’ve used this principle so many times in a hard place.
Many years ago, Susan and I faced a financial challenge. It seemed as though lack dominated us! I felt trapped and defeated every day! On a note card (yes, this was before all things internet and tech), I wrote out scriptures that promised God’s blessings on those that obey Him and are givers.
I meditated on them every day and begin to repeat them out loud. And I would say every day: Father, we are giving and it is being given back to us; Father, I thank you that you meet all of our needs according to your glorious riches in Christ Jesus; Father, we are seeking first the kingdom of God, and all the things we need are being added to us; Father I thank you that we have not only enough money to meet our own needs, but we have enough to give away! I said this over and over again.
Slowly my thinking and believing changed, and I saw myself as a prosperous person. And what I said came to pass! The Lord has blessed us, and our needs are met, and we’re able to give and bless others! God’s Word never fails! He watches over His Word to perform it!
Some time ago had a great struggle with a back problem that brought excruciating pain when I would sit. During that time I drove to a ministry event in Tennessee and was in serious pain sitting for hours in the vehicle. This pain was unrelenting. I had to stand in my office when I had meetings with people. The pain was really almost unbearable.
When the pain started, I immediately prayed and asked the Father to heal me. I told Him that according to Mark 11:24, I believe that I receive my healing, and though I didn’t feel healed that I believe that I was healed when I prayed. The pain persisted for weeks. But I SAID what I believed every single daily throughout the day as I dealt with terrible pain. One Saturday many weeks later the healing manifested. Finally, I was pain free! The key is that I had to say what I believed when it seemed like it wasn’t working and when it seemed like it was totally untrue.
Faith in God for whatever you need is released with WORDS. God watches over His word to perform it, to bring it to pass (Jeremiah 1:12). Give God something to watch over in your life today today! Start saying what you want to believe, and sooner or later you’ll believe it, and eventually you will have it!
So Jesus answered and said to them, “Have faith in God. For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. (Mark 11:22-24).