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Meditation In The Word Can Bring Great Change To Your Life!

Writer's picture: mitchhortonmitchhorton

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 Corinthians 10:3-5).

Meditation drops the Word of God from your head to your spirit. Taking time to meditate every day will keep your spirit fine-tuned. Meditation will also bring to the surface issues that you need to deal with in your life. When you meditate the Word, the life-power in the Word will bring to light darkness that may be hiding in your soul and hindering your daily walk with God.

Meditation in the Word will pull down the strongholds of negative thought that have taken your captive and held you as a prisoner in certain areas of life. Meditation will correct the negative thoughts in your belief system, the subconscious mind that the psychologist refers to, which Paul calls the spirit of your mind in Ephesians 4:23. You can actually change things you believe about life through meditation. We all have automatic negative thoughts that are left over from over before Christ life!

One phrase was repeated to me when I was young that lodged in my belief system. Do you think you’ll ever do anything right was a phrase repeated to me which my mind turned into I can’t do anything right! So when I became a young adult I had the sense that I was somehow sub-par with everyone else. I believed that I didn’t deserve to really succeed. So a deep inferiority developed in me.

Once as a brand new believer I was talking with group of friends after a church service and I made a comment that I just couldn’t do a certain thing. One of my friends in the group turned to me and said, Mitch, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you!  I had never heard that before, and I went home and found Philippians 4:13. I meditated that verse until it absolutely ran the thought I can’t do it right out of my life!

Inferiority had ruled me most of my life due to wrong thinking. I felt backwards and alone most of the time. The thought of being around people was frightening. I didn’t want to be hurt by their ridicule and insults. Automatic negative thoughts ruled me.

One day I found 1 Corinthians 4:3 in the J.B. Phillips translation and it broke the back of this terrible thought that plagued me. The verse read, it matters very little to me what you or any man thinks of me. I don’t even value my opinion of myself!  I meditated on this verse and the revelation came to me that what God thinks about me is the only thing of lasting value and is what I should live by. My life was revolutionized. I went from being an extreme introvert to becoming an extrovert who just loves to be around people!

Great personal change is available to you through meditation the Word. Lifelong fears can be challenged and changed. Allow the Word of God to transform you today through meditation!


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