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If My People...

Writer's picture: mitchhortonmitchhorton

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land (2 Chronicles 7:14).

The land of the free and the home of the brave is in a huge crisis; a crisis of choosing darkness over light and cursing over blessing. There are people with nefarious motives who are pushing agendas that divide the USA. They want to divide us spiritually, by passing laws that keep us from assembling together and that create hate speech out of differences of opinion;  politically, by spreading lies and half truths about the issues we face as Americans; medically by not being completely truthful about viruses and so called pandemics and by pitting us between the vaccinated and unvaccinated; financially by introducing socialism and communism in the name of free money distribution and by engineering crisis after crisis that closes small businesses and cuts out the middle class; morally, by introducing ridiculous ideologies that disregard the two birth genders and replaces them with a list of mixed of pathetic ideas of bizarre human relations that are amoral and family destroying; racially, by fostering a dialogue of anger and deception designed to pit black, white, hispanic, asian, and whatever against each other, and by introducing curriculum in our schools that lies about the reasons our country was founded, and blames our forefathers for our current media driven race issues; historically, so that the foundations of faith, valor, and faith are removed from public life; and socially, so that we are so sensitive thst we dare not have a conviction and belief thst we voice for fear of offending another person! God help us. Friends, we are in deep trouble!

Behold, I set before you today a blessing and a curse: the blessing, if you obey the commandments of the Lord your God which I command you today; and the curse, if you do not obey the commandments of the Lord your God, but turn aside from the way which I command you today, to go after other gods which you have not known (Deuteronomy 11:26-28 -NKJV).

We celebrated the 248th birthday of America last week. This past Sunday, the Holy Spirit led me to lead our congregation in prayer for our nation right in the middle of our worship time.  I urge you to take time daily to pray for our nation and the next election. Our freedoms may just be won or lost this year!

 Let’s also ask God to do a HUGE work in us, the church of the Lord Jesus. Because as goes the church, so goes the nation. Pastors must once again begin to preach the Word of God with sincerity and fervor. And we as believers must ask God to search us and reveal to us individually what we must change in our conduct to become more Christlike and allow God’s light to shine through us!

When a nation is challenged, God looks to the believer in that nation to humble themselves and pray.  All change within a nation starts with the believers in that nation. We must humble ourselves, examine our lives, repent of sin, and ask God for mercy not only for ourselves, but also for the nation in which we live.

We are to also seek His face. Seeking God’s face in Old Testament usage means to live in such a way that our lifestyle makes Him smile. A small child will often do things to get mom or dad’s attention, and to make his parents smile. 

The next phrase in the scripture at the beginning is turn from their wicked ways. When we turn in repentance from that which displeases the Lord and do the things that bring His smile, He goes into action for the nation.

Then will I hear from heaven, forgive their sin, and heal their land. All of this starts with three words: if my people. 

Our world is not trending towards biblical values. Rather, it is becoming more and more lawless, so biblical morality may never be a part of American law again. Let’s not wait until the congress passes laws that are in favor of christian values; let’s not wait until prayer is allowed in schools again. Let’s not wait until laws are passed that outlaw the killing of  innocent children through abortion. 

Let’s start right now to deal with ourselves; to make a choice to live in obedience to the loving voice of a Father through His word; to love our neighbors as we love ourselves; to treat others the way we want to be treated; to let His light shine in how we behave each day at home with our immediate families. 

His mercies are renewed every single day. Let’s beseech God on behalf of our beloved country: 

Father, forgive us for our personal sins against you and your Holiness. We humble ourselves and ask you to manifest your presence in us in a fresh way within us. Use us as individual lights in the darkness of the hour. Move us into positions to speak with others about you and your love, mercy, kindness, and forgiveness. Bring a fresh moving of the Holy Spirit to this nation through the prayers of your people. Bring healing to this land, in Jesus’ name.

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