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How Meditation Changed My Life

Writer's picture: mitchhortonmitchhorton

Meditation in the Word will change you! There is simply no such thing as a believer who meditates in the Word not changing. Ten to fifteen minutes a day of meditation in the Word of God can overcome years of wrong thinking and believing.

As I mentioned yesterday, meditation takes the Word from your surface thought life down into the very recesses of what you think and believe! You meditate two ways: by speaking the word slowly out loud, and by cogitating it over and over mentally, thinking about every Word in a verse of scripture. This applies the Word in a practical way to your life and lifestyle!

When I first came back to the Lord and was filled with the Holy Spirit, I began the practice of taking a few minutes throughout my day for meditating. I meditated on being a new creature in Christ and what that means (2 Corinthians 5:17); on being the righteousness of God in Christ (2 Corinthians 5:21); on having no condemnation between me and the Lord (Romans 8:1); on being loved by the Father (John 16:27, John 17:23); on Jesus taking my sicknesses and diseases the same time He took my sins (Psalm 103:1-3; Isaiah 53: 3-5; Matthew 8:17, 1 Peter 2:24); on the Father providing for all my needs (Matthew 6:33; Phil. 4:19); on being free from fear (2 Timothy 1:7); on the value and power of my words (Matthew 12: 34-37; James 3: 1-6; on my authority in Christ over demonic forces (Colossians 2:15; Colossians 1:13; Ephesians 1: 17-2:6).

Boy did my life change! Over a period of time, fears that had ruled me lifelong began to fade away like a snowball in sunshine! And in their place, faith rose in my heart!

Then God begin to show me a different level of knowing Him. I began to see character issues in a way I never had before. I begin to see how the fear of others had driven me into isolating myself from intimacy. From really letting others know what I’m like. I began to see how perfectionism, being an obsessive and compulsive person, had ruled me and my relationships with those close to me. I began to see how using accomplishment as a means of being pleased with myself and as a tool to get others to affirm me had ruled my life.

Meditation in the Word began to rip these false beliefs from the core of who I was. Confidence in being loved and fully accepted by the Father completed replaced the fear that dominated my relationships with God and others. Knowing that the Father cares and knowing that He rules me has set me free from the never having arrived attitude and feeling that perfectionism brings. Knowing that as I act on His Word God honors His Word in my life and brings it to pass has liberated me from the obsessive compulsive desire to have everything just right. Now, I live as unto the Lord, seeking to simply to honor Him and His Word.

Life is rich, peaceful, and enriching when you have a values system that agrees with what the Father’s values.

Take time to meditate in the Word today. Find scriptures that deal with the problem areas of your life and begin to let them revolve on the inside of you. Go back to the scriptures I listed in the earlier paragraph. Type them out. Make a list of them. Then, every day, take a few minutes to meditate on them. Give it some time. Twenty one to twenty eight days begins the formation of new habits. IF you’ll be honest with yourself, allowing the Lord to show you the areas that need changing, and then if you’ll meditate in the Word that addresses these areas, you’ll change. Start today!



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