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He Knows You!

Writer: mitchhortonmitchhorton

O Lord, You have searched me and known me. You know my sitting down and my rising up; You understand my thought afar off. You comprehend my path and my lying down, And are acquainted with all my ways. For there is not a word on my tongue, But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether (Psalm 139: 1-4).

These verses amaze me. Here is a Person who knows everything about me that could possibly be known. He knows every fleeting thought, every faint motive of my heart, every desire, every word, every action. Everything. And still He loves me and is committed to my care.

One Bible expositor said you could translate this verse, Lord you have x-rayed me. Today we could say, Lord you have an MRI of me. God doesn’t see me from the outside in or from the top of my head down. He sees me from the inside out. At first, this is quite unsettling to know. Nothing can be hidden. Then, as you get to know Him, it becomes a freedom that delivers you from fear. From fear of others, fear of yourself, fear of your past, fear of really knowing the truth. Without God, self-revelation could be a frightening thing. Some people refuse to face themselves with truth.

This being called God, who is love, who knows everything that can be known about me and still loves me, is absolutely the most wonderful person I have ever met. He is the most real, the most encouraging, the most patient, the most understanding, and the most motivating person I will ever know.

His unconditional love melts me. His love is not based on me and my performance, but on Him and on His character. All at the same time He can make me feel so loved and accepted, yet so challenged to change and move away from the negative things that are hindering my life.

I have found a place in Him where I can pour out my all, the good and the bad, and know that He understands, and will lead me away from harm. I can commit everything to Him; my past, my present, and my future. His all wisdom absorbs my pain, my fear, my lack, my need, my weakness, and replaces it with His stability and calmness.

In the middle of this world-wide Corona crisis, lockdowns, separation, deceit, and general instability,  allow the loving Father God to be your calm in the middle of the storm. Let Him be your stability in a world totally shaken. Let God the Father brush away your fears and breath into you His unshakable faith, love and peace. 

I encourage you to come to know Him through His Word and by His Holy Spirit. Open your inner being to Him. Tell Him everything about yourself. Give yourself unreservedly to Him. He is not like any person you have or will ever meet. Let Him show you true freedom. He’s waiting for you to open the door and let Him in today.


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