I was out of town Wednesday and Thursday with four of my staff members and one volunteer attending a church conference called Unleashed in Anderson SC. This church has experienced phenomenal growth in the last 8 or nine years to around 10,000 in attendance in weekend services.
I went to see the culture of the church and what made it what it was today. These folk are Southern Baptists, but definitely out of the neat and tidy box that I associate with most Baptists!
The facility was modern and spacious, the volunteers were enthused and friendly to the max! The event was well organized with over 3300 church leaders there. I met non-denominational as well as mainline denominational leaders there.
Here’s what I came away with. The pastor, Perry Noble, is just an ordinary guy who really is in love with Jesus and has a passion to get people saved. His passion is so alive that he’s willing to do the unorthodox (in his Baptist circles) to get people to church. His focus is spending time with Jesus and preaching the Word. He shuns formulas and fads. He simply encouraged leaders to go after God with gusto and cling to the uncompromising principles of honoring God with a life of integrity, spending time every day with Jesus in prayer and in the Word, and surrounding yourself with a team of idea people who help you bring to pass what God wills for your church.
I got in last night after midnight and must spend the day today in preparation for the weekend. I share Perry Noble’s belief that Jesus may be coming sooner than we think. There are a lot of people the Lord wants us to reach before He returns. Let’s go after them with our love!